
Itriedasoftandthenahardreset,butitdidnotseemtoresolvetheissues.Ihavetakengoodcareofit(havenotgottenitwetordroppedit/allowed ...,Itriedallthesoft/hardreset,etc,instructionstonoavailandwantedareplacementASAPasIreallylikedmyUP24(havinghadafuelbandfor1yranda ...,DeSoftResetvoerjeuitmetdeUSBstekkervandeUP24.KoppeldezeaanjouwUP24.WanneerjedestekkerineenUSBpoortstopt,zorgjedatjedeknopvande ...,2014年...

Anyone experience these Up24 problems?

I tried a soft and then a hard reset, but it did not seem to resolve the issues. I have taken good care of it (have not gotten it wet or dropped it/allowed ...

Customer reviews: Jawbone

I tried all the soft/hard reset, etc, instructions to no avail and wanted a replacement ASAP as I really liked my UP24 (having had a fuelband for 1 yr and a ...


De Soft Reset voer je uit met de USB stekker van de UP24. Koppel deze aan jouw UP24. Wanneer je de stekker in een USB poort stopt, zorg je dat je de knop van de ...

How to Reset your Jawbone Up Band (Soft & Hard Reset)

2014年3月14日 — Hard Reset Jawbone Up · Check whether there is some battery left in the Jawbone up. · Press the button on your band for 10 times. · On the 10th ...

I have a Jawbone UP 24 that has the following issues

2018年5月8日 — Customer: I have a Jawbone UP 24 that has the following issues: button will not work; will not charge; soft and hard reset did not work.

Jawbone Up24 - Wow great integration

2015年1月14日 — If that doesn't do it hard reset the band. Instructions are around here somewhere… JDRoberts May 20, 2015, 3:40am 51. Asher: Soft reset the band ...

Jawbone UP24 To perform a hard reset

Jawbone UP24 To perform a hard reset: 1. Press the button on your band 10 times. Try to pace the presses at about about one press every second. 2. On the ...